Rewire, Reset, ReEnergise

Rewire your thinking, Reset your habits, ReEnergise your life.

Welcome to the start of your journey to feeling most at ease with yourself, contented and balanced.  Made promises to yourself that you are going to change?  Set goals to be healthier, find that work you enjoy? And then your good intentions have left you disappointed and discouraged? Let’s change that.

I can guide though these steps and help you:

  • To become aware of your authentic self of the future and be clear about what you want and need - We are Rewiring your brain so you feel more alive, vital and like ‘This is me!’

  • To set pathways and processes consistent with who you want to be in line with your values and goals - Reset the ‘how’ you will achieve your goals, it’s the entire journey not only the end results.

  • To empower yourself with good habits and decisions - using a framework for creating good habits and breaking bad ones. To cultivate habits for a better you and losing the habits that are keeping you stuck where you are. Decide and commit - Reset and cultivate new better habits for the future you.

  • Make sure you have ways to keep on track, grow and stay ReEnergised.

My coaching approach is about forming new habits and enjoyable ways to build the life you want. It’s about making better choices that align your nature and desires. The person you are today is who you are right now. Your actions and reactions reflect the influences and programming from your family, friends, teachers, work colleagues and social media etc. over your lifetime.

It can feel like you’re living someone else’s life, trying to meet other peoples’ expectations, your life isn’t really ‘you’ and it feels like something isn’t quite right.  You can end up feeling adrift and frustrated.

My coaching involves bringing greater harmony in the way that you live your life, mind and body. We work together on a powerful vision of you in the future and your values, developing good habits to ensure enjoy and continue to change in your journey towards a life that’s ‘you’. This will involve looking at your habits around how your mind communicates with you, your food and nutrition choices and your daily activities as well as exercise.

Rewire, new focus and belief…

Coaching will help clarify what you truly want to achieve for yourself, to believe that you can change. “Who is it that you want to be and how do I want to live my life?

For example:

Reset, adopt new habits..

Habits embody us and we can change them to reinforce our desired identity. So when you choose the habits you need to create personal change, ask yourself “Who is it that you want to be and what habits will give you the identity you want?

For example:

Physical activity is any movement your body does as part of your daily activities or you might be active by choosing to do exercise and this tends to be intentional and planned. When it comes to exercising, we need to love it if we’re going to make it a habit.  We will work out how you can integrate more activities and exercise into your daily routines.

Sustain energy and growth…

Enjoy new habits and make them just what you do.  Physical activity is any movement your body does as part of your daily activities or you might be active by choosing to do exercise and this tends to be intentional and planned. When it comes to exercising, we need to love it if we’re going to make it a habit.  We will work out how you can integrate more activities and exercise into your daily routines.

I’m passionate about helping people find the best ways to a more contented life. I’ve been lucky in that my career and personal journey have brought together two passions: personal development and health/wellbeing. As a women over 50, I want to help other women by sharing these learnings.

My particular interest is in how mental robustness, a nutritional diet and enjoyable exercise can be integrated into our daily routines. The approach does not dwell on the past or prescribe strict routines but works with women to create rewarding habits… so much so they can’t give them up. It’s about making it fun, easy and sustainable.

I have recently moved to a new town and I’m enjoying the challenge of meeting new friends, developing networks and a new outlook on life.  I’ve enjoyed trying some new hobbies and even considering the local Parkrun soon.

Half of me is a qualified training and development professional, change facilitator and an accredited NLP Practitioner. The other half a proud mother of two sons, wife, foodie and dog lover.  I’ve always enjoyed the outdoor life living in North Wales for 25 years and I love a challenge to reset my goals including bike rides, long walks and new healthier ways of eating cake!

30 years of working in organisations has provided solid experience in one to one coaching, added to a lifetime of active challenges and learning to nourish my family for better health, have together ensured a rounded experience.